Born Again and I Know It
I wrote a theme song that goes with each episode in the book. It’s called “Gossiping for Jesus,” an obviously satirical title based on the Biblical principle of not gossiping. But hey, if we must gossip, let’s make it count for eternity!
When I began writing songs in the 1980’s, I quickly realized that my favorite topics to write about were God’s grace and forgiveness, the cross and Heaven. These themes run throughout many of the ten other songs in the book as well as the theme song.
One of the early songs I wrote is called “Born Again and I Know It.” It is included with episode #7. I still get amused when I think about how this is the only song I ever wrote that I had to stop and ask the Lord to forgive me for the mindset I had when I began writing it. You see, I had a rather defensive attitude.
A friend and I were leading a new members class at our church. During one session, a fellow Christian had joined us who had come from a background where he had become convinced you could lose your salvation. Since we were talking about the security of a true believer, he became quite argumentative about it. We politely shared scriptures such as Rom. 8:28-29 which tells us that nothing can separate us from God’s love. And then there’s the promise found in many verses, that Jesus died on the cross once for all; all people and all of our sins, past, present and future.
When I got home that evening, still feeling a little on the defensive about the matter, I had the thought, “well, I’m born again and I know it!!!” That thought became the “hook line” of a new song I started working on. When I realized it was going to become one of my favorite songs, I ask God to forgive me for the inappropriate attitude I had when I began writing it.
I quickly sensed His forgiveness and He allowed “Born Again and I Know It” to be a blessing to myself and many others over the years as Step of Faith, a gospel group of our friends, sang it just about everywhere we went to sing.
As you read the words to this song, know that there is nothing you can do to earn a place in Heaven other than accepting the free gift of salvation that Jesus provided when He went to the cross on our behalf, and once you receive salvation through faith in Jesus, you will never, ever lose it. Once you become a child of God, you are always His child! You may even get mad at God, but he will never disown you! It’s hard to comprehend the kind of love our heavenly Father has for us.
Here are the lyrics to Born Again and I Know It———–Born again and I know it, covered by the blood. Sins have been forgiven, beneath the cleansing flood. On my way to Heaven to look upon His face, and all because of His amazing grace. When Jesus went to Calvary, a miracle took place. He sanctified forever, redeemed us by his grace. He offers it freely for all to receive, salvation for all who will believe. There is wonder working power in the blood that Jesus shed, power to bring forgiveness and raise the dead. One day I’ll go to Heaven to walk the streets of gold. It is the greatest story ever told. I’m born again and I know it, covered by the blood. Sins have been forgiven beneath the cleansing flood. On my way to Heaven to look upon His face, and all because of His amazing grace.
Are you on your way to Heaven because of God’s amazing grace? If not, ask Him for this wonderful gift. Trust in the fact that Jesus died for YOU!!
Talk to you again soon. Nancy